
Signs and Symptoms

Headaches will affect approximately 2/3 of the population at some stage in their lives. They can affect anyone regardless of age or gender. A headache can occur in any part of the head, on both sides or in just one location. The causes of headache may include fatigue, sleep deprivation, stress, effects of medications, and the treatment of a headache will depend on the underlying cause. The most common presentation to a physiotherapy clinic is a headache as a result of soft tissue trauma eg. whiplash or an incorrect working position at a desk for long periods without a break.

Your GP will screen for any ‘red flags’ if symptoms are persistent and severe and may refer for further investigation is needed. Numerous attempts have been made to try and classify headaches and the most common types are:

  • Associated with Viruses, Flu, Influenza
  • Migraines or Cluster headaches
  • Tension headaches
  • Cervical headache referred from joints, muscles and fascia of the neck

Our Treatment & Expertise

At Bray Physiotherapy, evidence based treatment techniques which may include manual therapy, electrotherapy, acupuncture and prescriptive exercises. If the headache is as a result of poor posture at a desk or workstation, we include an ergonomic assessment and suggest appropriate changes. Ongoing self-management is vital and a home exercise programme will be provided to help prevent recurrence.